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Teresa Commerford
Teresa Commerford
High School CTE Instructor
Bucklin High School
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Business Essentials

Complete Course Materials High School Business Management & Administration
**ARCHIVED** Course designed as an overview of professional and business concepts to prepare students for work and life beyond high school. Students will learn basic terminology and concepts used in everyday business and adult life. Students will gain fundamental knowledge and critical thinking skills to make them workplace-ready and productive citizens in society.
Course Length: 1 Semester
Last Updated: 07/07/2023
KSDE Course No. - 12050
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U1 Keyboarding15, 50 minute class periods
This unit includes lessons regarding: proper keyboarding techniques, increasing typing speed, and increasing the accuracy of keyboarding.
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U1L1 Posture, Hand Placement, and Letter Keys5 Days, 50-Minute Class Periods
Understand the benefits of proper keyboarding technique to work quality, work-flow, and time spent on-task. Demonstrate correct posture and finger positioning. Demonstrate appropriate hand placement to find and use all keyboard keys (letters, numbers, space bar, enter/return, and shift key) with both left and right hands. Increase typing speed and accuracy with use of proper techniques (minimum goal for all students is 25 WPM with 95% accuracy).
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U1L2 Words,Shift,Punct5 Days, 50-Minute Class Periods
Understand the benefits of proper keyboarding technique to work quality, work flow, and time spent on-task. Demonstrate correct posture and finger positioning. Demonstrate appropriate hand placement to find and use all keyboard keys (letters, numbers, space bar, enter/return, and shift key) with both left and right hands. Increase typing speed and accuracy with use of proper techniques (minimum goal for all students is 25 WPM with 95% accuracy). Increase confidence and comfort with continued use of proper techniques.
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U1L3 Speed Accuracy5 Days, 50-Minute Class Periods
Understand the benefits of proper keyboarding technique to work quality, work flow, and time spent on-task. Demonstrate correct posture and finger positioning. Demonstrate appropriate hand placement to find and use all keyboard keys (letters, numbers, space bar, enter/return, and shift key) with both left and right hands. Increase typing speed and accuracy with use of proper techniques (minimum goal for all students is 25 WPM with 95% accuracy). Increase confidence and comfort with continued use of proper techniques.
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U2 Google Application10, 50 minute class periods
This unit includes lessons regarding various Google applications. These applications include: Gmail, Google Docs, Google Sheets, Google Slides, and Google Forms.
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U2L4 Gmail2 Days, 50-Minute Class Periods
Understand the basic features and benefits of using Google Applications and Gmail. Demonstrate appropriate login procedure, Gmail usage and etiquette (a.k.a., Netiquette). Demonstrate basic knowledge of Google and Gmail operational features. Create and send email messages with font change (style, color, and highlight), and attached files. Create custom labels to organize messages. Create personalized Gmail signatures. Demonstrate understanding of how to access other Google Applications from Gmail.
Last Updated: 8/31/2021 | View in Browser
Last Updated: 8/30/2021 | View in Browser
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U2L5 Google Docs2 Days, 50-Minute Class Periods
Understand the basic features and benefits of using Google Docs. Create new documents using Google Docs. Edit and format documents in Google Docs. Share and collaborate using Google Docs. Print and download Google Docs files.
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U2L6 Google Sheets1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the basic features and benefits of using Google Sheets. Create new spreadsheets using Google Sheets. Edit and format spreadsheets in Google Sheets. Sort and calculate data in Google Sheets. Share and collaborate using Google Sheets. Print and download Google Sheets files.
Last Updated: 8/31/2021 | View in Browser
Last Updated: 8/30/2021 | View in Browser
Last Updated: 8/31/2021 | View in Browser
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U2L7 Google Slides3 Days, 50-Minute Class Periods
Understand the basic features and benefits of using Google Slides. Create new slide show presentations using Google Slides. Edit and format slide shows in Google Slides. Share and collaborate using Google Slides. Print and download Google Slides files. Create original slide show. Present slide shows to classroom peers.
Last Updated: 8/31/2021 | View in Browser
Last Updated: 8/30/2021 | View in Browser
Last Updated: 8/30/2021 | View in Browser
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U2L8 Google Forms2 Days, 50-Minute Class Periods
Understand the basic features and benefits of using Google Forms. Create new files using Google Forms. Edit and format form documents in Google Forms. Share and collaborate using Google Forms. Print and download Google Forms files. Create an original survey questionnaire using Google Forms. Send survey to classroom peers. View, analyze and report survey response findings.
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U3 Digital Citizenship 5, 50 minute class periods
This unit includes lessons regarding: online research, digital life, cyber safety, phishing scams, and copyright laws.
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U3L9 Online Research1 Day, 50-Minute Class Periods
Explore criteria for effective websites. Search for and evaluate websites. Evaluate information contained on website for information accuracy and relevancy.
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U3L10 Digital Life1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the basic facts about the digital world. Understand how digital media impacts student lives. Identify positive and negative influences on students and their peers.
Last Updated: 9/1/2021 | View in Browser
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U3L11 Cyber Safety1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Distinguish between general beliefs and individual realities to identify potential online dangers. Understand and apply best practices for establishing safe online relationships, and avoiding potentials dangerous situations. Create plans to help peers use digital media safely and responsibly.
Last Updated: 9/1/2021 | View in Browser
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U3L12 Phishing Scams1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Define identity theft. Identify ways to prevent identity theft. Understands methods Internet scammers use to obtain personal information. Identify and prevent tactics used in phishing and scams.
Last Updated: 9/10/2019 | View in Browser
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U3L13 Copyright1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Define copyright. Identify legal issues related to copyright. Understand rights of users of materials. Understand rights and responsibilities of creators. Evaluate situations for potential ethical issues.
Last Updated: 9/1/2021 | View in Browser
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U4 Professionalism5, 50 minute class periods
This unit includes lessons regarding: time management, appearance, etiquette, problem solving, teamwork, and leadership.
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U4L14 Time Management1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the importance of time management in personal and professional situations. Identify time management tools. Compare and contrast tools to determine the best method(s) for individuals. Compare and contrast efficient use of time versus wasteful use of time.
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U4L15 AppearanceEtiquette1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the importance of appropriate appearance for getting and keeping a job. Identify appropriate interview attire for teens. Compare and contrast appropriate and inappropriate work behavior. Understand the consequences of inappropriate behavior at work.
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U4L16 Problem Solving1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the importance of problem solving on the job and in life. Identify steps for effective problem solving. Demonstrate effective problem solving techniques.
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U4L17 Teamwork1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the importance of teamwork in the workplace. Identify essential elements of teamwork. Understand the importance of communication to teamwork. Demonstrate effective teamwork and communication techniques.
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U4L18 Leadership1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the importance of leadership in work and life. Identify traits of leadership.
Last Updated: 9/1/2021 | View in Browser
Last Updated: 9/10/2019 | View in Browser
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U5 Getting the Job21, 50 minute class periods
This unit includes lessons regarding: achieving a dream career, the purpose of an effective resume, the purpose of job applications, interview preparation, and newly hired employees.
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U5L19 Dream Career5 Days, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the requirements of achieving a dream career. Identify education, certifications, and skills required for selected career. Understand potential salary and advancement opportunities for selected career. Create and present a comprehensive profile of a selected career.
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U5L20 Resume Workbook5 Days, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the purpose of a resume in seeking employment. Identify essential elements of a resume document. Demonstrate ability to compile personal information necessary for creating an effective resume.
Last Updated: 8/31/2021
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U5L21 Resume Document5 Days, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the purpose of a resume in seeking employment. Identify essential elements of a resume document. Create an effective resume.
Last Updated: 8/31/2021 | View in Browser
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U5L22 Job Application1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the purpose of a job application in seeking employment. Identify parts of a job application form. Demonstrate completion of an effective job application form.
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U5L23 Interview Prep4 Days, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the purpose and importance of a job interview. Create responses to potential interview questions. Demonstrate understanding of appropriate interview preparation, behavior, and responses.
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U5L24 New Hire1 Day, 50-Minute Class Period
Understand the documents required as a newly hired employee. Identify information and personal documents necessary for completion of new hire documents. Demonstrate understanding of the completion process of new hire documentation.
Last Updated: 9/1/2021 | View in Browser
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U6 Personal Finance24, 50 minute class periods
This unit includes lessons regarding: goals, income, budget planning, investing, credit, and insurance.
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U6L25 Goals and Income4 Days, 50-Minute Class Period
Goals and Income: Explore personal financial choices. Demonstrate understanding of what being fiscally responsible means. Examine common obstacles to reaching financial goals. Evaluate employer-sponsored savings & investment programs.
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
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U6L26 Budgets5 Days, 50-Minute Class Period
Budgets: Understand components of a budget. Create and calculate a personal budget. Explore the importance of communicating about finances. Analyze factors of money management during college. Assess personal spending habits and behaviors.
Last Updated: 9/1/2021 | View in Browser
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
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U6L27 Investing5 Days, 50-Minute Class Period
Day/Lesson 1 - Income: Explore payroll deductions and tax returns. Evaluate employer-sponsored savings & investment programs. Day/Lesson 2 – Saving & Investing: Understand the role of decision-making in reaching goals. Analyze common obstacles in achieving goals. Day/Lesson 3 – Credit: Explore the elements of credit. Understand basic credit laws. Day/Lesson 4 – Insurance: Analyze personal risks to assess insurance needs. Compare insurance policies to determine best fit for circumstances. (Optional: Explore elements of estate planning.)
Last Updated: 9/1/2021 | View in Browser
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
Last Updated: 9/2/2021
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U6L28 Credit5 Days, 50-Minute Class Period
Credit: Evaluate the purpose of a credit score. Explore the elements of credit. Discover dangers of identity theft. Understand steps to resolve incidences of identity theft. Discover elements of credit. Understand basic credit laws. Explore how debt occurs, and how to prevent it. Understand how debt affects credit potential.
Last Updated: 9/1/2021 | View in Browser
Last Updated: 9/3/2021
Last Updated: 9/3/2021
Last Updated: 9/3/2021
Last Updated: 9/3/2021
Last Updated: 9/3/2021
Last Updated: 9/3/2021
Last Updated: 9/3/2021
Last Updated: 9/3/2021
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U6L29 Insurance5 Days, 50-Minute Class Period
Insurance – Practical Money Skills: • Analyze personal risks to assess insurance needs. • Compare insurance policies to determine best fit for circumstances. Insurance – Griffith Foundation: Renter’s Insurance: Discuss ways to prevent home loss claims. Recognize basic renter’s insurance terminology. Determine that renter’s insurance is a valuable tool. Auto Insurance: Define basic auto insurance terms. Identify factors that determine auto insurance premiums. Recognize ways to reduce risk. Life Insurance: Describe basic life insurance terms. Explain death benefits and relative uses. Determine how life insurance companies underwrite policies. Health Insurance: Understand ten things about health insurance. Define health insurance. Recognize two basic types of health insurance plans.
Teresa Commerford
Teresa Commerford
High School CTE Instructor
Bucklin High School
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